Understanding High-Pressure

The term "High -Pressure"refers to the actual type of lamp in the bed. We are excited to be the first to bring true High Pressure beds to the Okanagan.

What is a True High-Pressure bed?

There are many imitators that use conventional flourescent style tubes combined with the square quartz lamp cassette.A true High Pressure bed contains no flourescent style tubes whatsoever.Also ,a bed with just High Pressure facials,does NOTmake it a high pressure bed.

The Skinny on High Pressure

Tanning is the body's natural defence mechanism for protecting against the sun's rays. Normally,the outer layer of skin exfoliates every 28 days, but when exposed to concentrations of UVB rays (low-pressure) the the body is forced to exfoliate prematurely ( every 5-10 days) as a natural response.This is why low pressure tanners must tan more frequently to keep the outer layer of skin looking brown.High Pressure beds contain a special filter glass that filters out most (not all) of the UVB rays, which allows for normal exfoliation,which in turn causes your skin to stay tanned much longer.

Tan Ultra Fast

High pressure tanning provides colour results FAST!

While Classic Low Pressure tanning requires 10-15 visits to establish a similar level tan (depending on skin type as always).
The Mastersun 360 or HPO Exotic require only 4-5 sessions (depending on skin type ) .

Maintaining a tan has never been easier, 2- 4 visits per month will keep your bronze fresh and fabulous.


4 - 5 visits in High pressure and you'll have a great tan to work with!


Tanning takes place in the skin’s outer layer: the epidermis. About 5% of the cells in your epidermis are special cells called melanocytes. When exposed to UVB light, melanocytes produce pinkish colored melanin that is absorbed by other skin cells. When exposed to UVA light, the melanin darkens. This darkening is your skin’s natural way of protecting itself from sunburn.


Cells in the epidermis are constantly reproducing and pushing older cells upward toward the surface of your skin, where they are sloughed off in about one month. As your skin replaces its cells, the cells laden with melanin are removed. So the tanning process must continue with the new cells.

Many people seem to shoot down the idea of tanning, saying that it is bad for you and can cause skin cancer. However, sunlight is the base of life. Here’s why it can be good for your health: 1. It cheers you up. Sunshine boosts serotonin levels, the body’s “happy hormone,” which is why we tend to feel happier and more energetic when the sun shines.2. It reduces heart disease. A study in the British Medical Journal showed that people are more likely to die in the winter than in the summer from heart disease due to lack of vitamin D or UV light.3. It relieves aches and pains. Being out in the sun or tanning can actually ease up stiffness and cause warmth in the body’s muscles.4. It helps skin conditions. Have you ever noticed that after you go tanning or are exposed to sunlight that your acne seems to clear up? Sun exposure can help heal skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.5. It reduces risks of cancers. Although over exposure to sun can increase risk of skin cancer, tanning has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of other types of cancers due to vital amounts of vitamin D provided by the sun.


Tanning is natural, and it works the same whether you tan outdoors or in a salon. The advantage of using sunbeds is having complete operator control over the intensity and duration of a session, which results in minimal risk of an uneven tan or a sunburn.


When it comes to UV light, both summer sunlight and most sunbeds produce pretty much the same kind and mix of sunlight: about 95% UVA, and 5% UVB. The difference is that most sunbeds are 2-4 times more intense than summer sunlight. That’s the reason you only stay in a sunbed a few minutes.


Everyone’s skin is different.  Our recommendations are designed to get you the best possible tan while minimizing the risk of sunburn.



